A Life with Dogs

Chapter 3. Tips for buying a puppy

Chapter 3. Tips for buying a puppy

So you’ve worked out that you can be a responsible owner of a dog. You can provide a stable, loving home, and you believe your kids when they say they’ll walk, wash and clean up. The neighbours are reliable, and the grandparents are happy to puppy-sit, and you think you know what type of dog you'd like...

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Chapter 2. What type of dog is right for you?

Chapter 2. What type of dog is right for you?

Which dog is right for you? It's easy to love any dog no matter its age, breed, size, or sex, so why leave it entirely to chance? Are you a marathon runner, or a couch potato? Prefer a dog that speaks to your indie heart, or one that sticks like Velcro? Let us help you find the right dog for you...

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Chapter 1. When is the right time to get a dog?

Chapter 1. When is the right time to get a dog?

So when is the right time to get a dog? Whether you’ve been a devoted dog owner, or it’s all new and you’ve already had a touch of the overwhelm, let’s start from the beginning. Ask these questions before you decide if you're prepared to own a dog, (or not)... Read more

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