Hendrix & Prince

Hendrix & Prince

Many of you comment & love the Pawties I attend here in Sydney. BUT... there is the dreaded before he day of the pawy...when I hear;
"Where's my little Coconut...?"
And IN I go🛁❗️
So next time you see me at a Pawty, pleeze remember just want I have to endure. PS I hope you feel sorry for me now...🙄  Big thanks to Underwater Dogs for keeping us itch-free & smelling BOOTIFUL. We love being a part of the Coconut Club." 🥥💚🥥💚🥥💚🥥💚

Hendrix & Prince
(Proud UWDOGS AmbassaDog & AmbassaCat)

A big thank you goes to Hendrix and Prince and their furtabulous pawrent Claudia for the on-going support, encouragement, laughs and bath-time antics that make UWDOGS what is is today.

May your doggo's always get dirty!
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