"I've been a brand Ambassadog for Underwater Dogs since the day my Momma picked me up from the Breeder. I was so lucky to spend time with the great Ralphie Cocker, CEO of UWDOGS when he put me through my paces on induction day when I was still a puppy. I'm not too sure if he had fun... coz I certainly couldn't control my excitement.
I know my Momma will be forever grateful to UWDOGS for helping her find me. It was because of that first introduction at the Sydney Dogs Lovers Show in 2017 that she decided she wanted a Cocker Spaniel just like Ralph - and guess what happened!
Underwater Dogs are the best hair care products for pooches. My sensitive cocker skin is cared for, no itchy's ever and I smell delicious (so my Momma says🙄 ) I am a very proud wee cocker to be a part of this pawsome furmily and will continue to tell everyone who'll listen... not that this in any way admits I talk a lot:)"
💚Love Jerry💚
(Proud UWDOGS Ambassadog)

A big thank you goes to Jerry and her furtabulous pawrent Ash for the on-going support, encouragement, laughs and bath-time antics that make UWDOGS what is is today.
May your doggo's always get dirty!