Pre-Wash Tips for Your Dog

Pre-Wash Tips for Your Dog

UWDOGS Bath-time 101

The Team at UWDOGS works tirelessly on their range of Underwater Dogs haircare products. Our responsibility to ensure they are of the highest quality, formulated to give the best clean and perfectly balanced, locking in moisture to give that ultimate, 'oh so soft' finish for you and your dog. We’re dedicated to bringing you the best canine haircare on the planet.

Like children, all dogs are different. What matters most is that you both work together to ensure bath-time, is a good-time. Be patient, you’ll work it out.  

Here's our Top 14 Pre-Wash Tips for You and Your Dog

1. Being prepared 
Is definitely the key. Get everything you need before you mention the "B" word. They can smell your thought process before you've even begun, so having everything at your fingertips will mean you'll be way ahead.

2. Brushing your Dog? 
Brushing your dog’s coat between baths is good practice. They may think it just feels good... and it does (feel good), but the benefits are many and varied depending on your dog’s coat, skin and general condition. Brushing helps remove any tangles on a regular basis so you don’t end up with more serious knots, or a wet matted predicament. Brushing will also reduce any foreign matter like burrs from their coat, which will help throughout the washing process and make combing through later a breeze.

3. Allergies?
Just remember yourself in this equation. If you suffer from allergies, maybe wear a mask. Dog hair and/or flaky skin, might send you off!

4. Ears?
Before getting wet look after your dog’s ears by using cotton wadding to stop water from entering the ear canal. This may predispose your dog to ear infections so is a must for most of our canine friends. If your dog’s ears stand up to attention you can cup them with your hand to ensure water does not enter the canal. Special note: Most wadding will shake out when your dog has been set free from their bath-time regime, but please check to ensure any left-overs have been removed.

5. Treats?
Verbal praise and doggie treats are also recommended for you to have on-hand. After all, generally speaking…dogs have a food agenda. Not thinking about anyone in particular!

6. Getting WET?
Is guaranteed! As a special hint, wet your dog all over before using shampoo. You'll find the product distributes with ease when added to wet hair vs dry. And yes, we're going to say it... Use warm water - this is a game-changer!

7. Mixer Bottle? 

We recommend using a mixer bottle for easy distribution of your shampoo. A soft, plastic bottle with single spout (like a tomato sauce bottle). The easy to use Pump on the Underwater Dogs Shampoo means you can pump product directly into the bottle. You need less product than you would normally use on your dog (due to the dilution rate) but obviously, size really does matter. Now fill the rest of the bottle with warm water. Shake to disburse the product thoroughly and you’re ready to shampoo. Using the shampoo from the mixer bottle allows the shampoo to distribute easily and more evenly throughout your dog’s coat. It also goes EXACTLY where you want it! Try it, we know you’ll like it.  

8. First Timer?
If it’s your first time we suggest a helper, just in case you need that extra pair of hands. Some dog-owners will prefer to have their dog tied up so they remain focussed on the job at hand (the dog that is).

9. Tethering?
If you choose to tether your mate, don’t use their favourite leather collar as this will spoil. A nylon collar will do the job and be better over time in water.

10. A Non-Slip Mat?
This is a great idea if you're bathing in the shower or bath-tub. A non-slip surface will give your dog extra confidence. Just knowing they’re not likely to slip might just be all it takes.

11. My Dog doesn’t like getting water on his face: 
Some dogs will sit under the tap, water cascading over them and think nothing of it. Others don’t like water on their faces and will be terribly vocal about it. Again, work out what your dog likes. This will in most cases be trial and error, but worth-it in the long-run. You might like to use a sponge to wet, clean and rinse, just take extra care of those with multiple facial wrinkles, and longer than usual ear flaps.

12. Products?
Always use Shampoo and Conditioner on your dog. A shampoo is negatively charged and a conditioner positive, therefore one will neutralise while the other balances, helping to restore that natural canine barrier (acid mantel) and protect hair and skin.

That “squeaky-clean” feeling you gain from using even the finest shampoo, has just robbed your dog of some it's skins natural oils - it's part of the cleansing process. Without replenishing moisture balance the delicate skin equilibrium promising a healthy skin and coat may be damaged. Then the itchy-scratchies... what more can we say!

13. Drying?
We love microfibre towels. They absorb a tonne of moisture and are easy to manoeuvre across your dog's bits - but really there are no rules. Some even like to just “shake it off.” If you’re using a towel, blot them rather than rub; this will help against matting build-up. Whatever you use, just make sure you wash towels thoroughly between washes, otherwise you’ll be drying your clean pup with a dirty towel. Some canines love a good blow-dry too, but test this one out slowly and never make the experience a traumatic one. Blow from the paws up and from the rear so they get used to this new phenomena one leg at a time. They’ll quickly let you know if it’s not going to happen. Again, remember to remove any cotton wadding from their ears. 

14. Keep warm until dry? 
If your dog is an inside dog - you know, the one who starts off at the end of the bed and ends up on your pillow... then this is the dog that needs extra special care with keeping warm until dry. Even if your pal is an active or outside dog, there's still a consideration with keeping warm until dry. Perhaps a nice warm bed or kennel and their favourite blanket to snuggle-up with until their body heat helps with the drying process. Depending on your dog’s coat, they might be dry within the hour or in some cases, multiple hours so being diligent with this process is of significant importance.

Just remember, if you’re washing your dog, so too must you wash his bedding or favourite blanket. Clean dog + dirty blanket = a waste of your valuable time, energy, and possibly your sense of humour.

These Top 14 Pre-Wash Tips will help you and your family along the footpath to creating the perfect bath-time environment for your dog. They’re also many of the reasons why when not attended too, chaos may reign. Don’t let your home be one of them!

Although many of these strategies may be deemed common sense, it may amaze you to note that good judgement may go out the window when challenged by your energiser dog. Like a toddler, every dog has their own personality and agenda. Just remember, you’re the leader of the pack!

 Underwater Dogs is professional haircare for canines promising you the cleanest, softest most delicious smelling dog on the block! Professional grooming salon formulas, naturally moisturising shampoos and conditioners are soap-free, paraben-free and pH balanced, made especially for your dog.

We’re proud of our product range and would like to reassure all our dog-loving customers that our quality ingredients, and scientific formulations will not let you down. All products are backed by the Underwater Dogs 100% Money Back Guarantee. 

If you have a question or would like to speak with the Underwater Dogs team, please email our Customer Service Dog: woof@uwdogs.com OR, connect via our Contact Page